‘The Buried Life’ star Ben Nemtin: Show may help overseas

A news by 4usnews:The Buried Life” quartet takes off for foreign countries in coming months now that the show has garnered a devoted following in North America.....
“We actually experimented with it a little bit this year,” reports ringleader Ben Nemtin. “On next week’s show (11/1), we escape from a deserted island. We have to survive and we have no survival training.. We actually build a raft to get off the island. It’s one of my favorite episodes. It’s always best when we’re out of our element.”
A recent show features the guys stealing a lock of Robert Pattinson’s hair on a dare from fans. The four twentysomething friends who set off in a purple bus with their bucket lists and a camera four years ago have already accomplished feats including playing basketball with Barack Obama and asking dream girl Taylor Swift on a date......
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