A news by 4usnews:Barbara Boxer of California, declared victory over rival Republican Party Carly Fiorina on Monday night, ending one of the hottest, most contested and expensive Senate races in the country.
Boxer thanked supporters in Los Angeles for giving her victory after a tough and brutal campaign of my life. ”
“We Aore going to win this race …. I am thrilled,” she said.
Fiorina, however, was not ready to concede as midnight approached.
“The facts are too close to call,” she said to her, volunteers at one point, promising them a long night of watching returns.
With 43 percent of the vote counted, Boxer had 50 percent of the vote to Fiorina, AO 45 percent.
Expected victory Boxer, 69, will give her a fourth term and the dollar Republican tide that swept the country.
Boxer led in the polls for much of the campaign, but the race remains close, as she struggled to get more than 50 percent in many of them. The race has led to intense national interest, and both candidates ran negative, and hard-hitting ads against each other.
With voters angry at Congress, Boxer common fault and has been taking heat on the struggling economy, and Washington, AO failure to reduce unemployment. Fiorina sought to capitalize on voter unhappiness AO, saying Boxer failed after serving 28 years in Congress, the last 18 in the Senate.
Fiorina, 56, former head of Hewlett-Packard, has never run for public office before, but cited her inexperience as an asset, saying her business background is well suited to Capitol Hill. Fiorina boxer portrayed as a heartless CEO, criticized her for firing 30,000 employees and outsource thousands of jobs when she was head of HP.
Fiorina, who started his long business career as a secretary, called Boxer extremist who did nothing of substance in Washington. She threw the Boxer as a career politician and said that her liberal politics made it impossible for her to reach across the aisle to work with Republicans.
Boxer was supported by Barack Obama and first lady, Michelle Obama, both of whom came to California to campaign for her. President and even radio ad on Boxer, AO name.
Candidates had two debates, rival for the right to abortion, immigration and tax policy, health care and whether the stimulus program, passed by Congress last year made no difference.
Boxer, one of the Senate, AO’s most ardent supporters of abortion rights, Fiorina accused of wanting to criminalize abortion. Fiorina vs. the right to abortion and the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, but she said she did not want to turn women seeking abortions into criminals.
Boxer supports a comprehensive approach to immigration, which included a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Fiorina support through-board extension of tax cuts signed by President George W. Bush in 2001, while the boxer wanted to exclude high wage-earners.
The two sparred often over $ 787 billion stimulus bill signed by Obama in an attempt to revive the economy. Fiorina called it a failure, saying it would not do anything to reduce California, AO unemployment, while Boxer has called for its success, saying the economy would get much worse without him.
In addition, the two candidates disagreed on health care. Fiorina called for a repeal of the law, passed by Congress in March, saying he would do nothing to reduce costs, while the boxer said that it would help millions of Americans who have no health insurance.
In Congress, Boxer has developed a reputation as a strong advocate for the environment and children. It is the only senator to head two committees, the environment and ethics.
She is a member of the SA Senate committee on foreign affairs and was one of only 23 senators voted against the war in Iraq. She was in favor of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan by early next summer.
Boxer began his long political career as head of the Marin County and served 10 years in the house, before elected to the Senate in 1992. She received 100 points in the last year of the liberal group Americans for Democratic Action.
Fiorina missed two days of last-minute campaign last week, when she was hospitalized for an infection related to the reconstructive surgery she completed in July, as part of its rehabilitation of breast cancer.
Some analysts say Fiorina hurt its prospects in the general election, when she turned far to the right during the primary election in an attempt to lure conservatives. Fiorina disputed Boxer survival after primary challenge in June from former Rep. Tom Campbell and the Legislative Assembly Chuck DeVore.
Boxer, meanwhile, hard race than gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown because voters were particularly angry with the Congress, political experts say.
Tony Quinn, co-editor of California Target Book, which analyzes legislative and congressional races, said the boxer had to flee in a year “monumentalRepublican tide.
“This is caused by economic misery and frustration at Obama, who even handed in a nice, blue California,” he said. “… They accused the Congress, and the boxer is one of the main core committee chairman.....